The Power of Infographics


The infographic has proven to be a truly powerful tool for someone looking to give information on a product or brand. Infographics have been around a long time, but given the recent rise of the Internet and social media, they have become more prevalent because the seamless way it shows information.

Infographics intersect information, illustration and design to appeal to a viewer’s eye while also distributing the necessary facts. The visual aspect is important, since the human brain more easily retains information when it is processed visually. This makes infographics valuable to those attempting to make a statement or argument, because the info is more likely to be captured in the viewers mind.

Infographics are an extremely important for marketers and they would be wise to incorporate this dynamic into their campaigns. Infographics can be a good contrast to the normal print ads that consumers are used to seeing, which will help stimulate them to the information being shown.

Online Shopping

So today I was sent a link by my girlfriend for a locket necklace that she finds appealing. It was a not so subtle hint at what I should get her for her birthday next week, but I’m already bad enough at gifts that I don’t mind being helped in my search. So I clicked on the link and it led me to the Kate Spade website. Now I’ve never really shopped online because I like to physically see and hold what I am about to purchase,  but looking at the Kate Spade website I was impressed by the content and the ability of the site to pull me in for more. Soon enough, I was searching through the site looking for other things that would appeal to my girlfriend, when I realized something else. If this Kate Spade website can entice me, what could the websites of the actual stores I shop at do?

That is how I unearthed the indisputable glory that is online shopping. I never really was fascinated with online shopping before but now being able to see different products that I don’t see in stores, combined with brands that give you seemingly endless discounts, I have discovered shopping nirvana.

This whole experience showed me the huge positives of online marketing for brands. If a brand can construct a visually appealing website that can entice buyers, then the possibilities are endless. Clothing and apparel brands are so quick to give discounts to customers and that must only be because of the huge amount of online traffic to their sites. It can be reasoned that they make up the discount deficit simply by drawing in new customers like myself, or previous customers who buy more than they usually would.

Now please excuse me as I go buy myself a new pair of shoes and an iPhone case…